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Sunday, May 20, 2007

How To Build A Six Figure Income Online

by Timothy Rohrer

Everyone is looking for the secret wealth formula and a get rich fast scheme online these days. The truth is, building your online business and earning six figures a year from home can be accomplished, but not overnight. Let me remind you, I said "can" be accomplished. Before we go any further in our discussion, let's take the preconceived notion that every business is a scam out of your head and clarify a few things. 95% of businesses fail online due to two simple factors. Number one, the level of your advertising and internet marketing experience and number two, finding a business that offers real value to the end user. If you are able to master these two factors, you will find that anything is possible online.

Becoming a marketing master - There are so many different techniques used today in internet marketing, it's easy to become caught in the next best thing that you lose focus. Right now there are two techniques that are proven to work and one of them is cutting edge that every internet marketer should be doing. The first technique is called, "article marketing" In article marketing, the internet marketer writes informative articles discussing or reviewing a particular product or service. Taking this article, then submitting it to article directories provides content for hungry web masters. In return, when a web master posts an article on their website, it provides a link back to your service or product. Writing an effect article can lead to highly targeted web traffic and potentially a substantial influx of sales.

Your next question may be, "how do I know what to write about?" There are already plenty of pre-written articles on your subject matter. A simple search at will bring up articles related to your keyword search. Using a number of pre-written articles to re-write your own article is a good start.

In addition to article marketing, video marketing is a new and upcoming technique. Google recently bought out youtube, a place where individuals can go and record videos of themselves promoting their business. Recording a simple video introducing who you are and the service or products you have available builds credibility and marks you as an authority in your niche market. Secondly, the Google search engine loves youtube. Posting a video on youtube in the proper categories using the proper keywords in your heading can earn you top positions in the Google search engine.

Both techniques are proven to work and have been working for many internet marketers. Obviously the more you do for each technique stated above will drive more traffic to your business and ultimately put you in a profit building position.

About the Author

Tim Rohrer is an expereinced internet marketer and six figure income earner. To learn how Tim Rohrer can help you achieve six figures, visit

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